BRL’s COVID-19 Update

What a year! This is the first time since the Lodge opened in 1961 that it has been “closed” for over six months. Thankfully, our BRL Family has stayed healthy and we are all anticipating the opening of the International Airport on October 1st. We are looking forward to visiting with our guests – new and long-time angling friends!

It is amazing to realize what you miss the most, what was a daily part of your life. We have missed getting to know new anglers and their fishing dreams and keeping up with our yearly angling friends, we have missed hearing birders describe all the beautiful plumage of birds identified and people who just wanted to see a little more of Belize. We have missed all of the daily stories, reels zinging on Bonefish; anglers frustrated at being given the tail by Permit or even better, hooking and landing the Permit holy grail; or the excitement as someone sees their first or fiftieth large Tarpon take a fly with their bucket mouth and seeing some of these majestic monsters jump and lift off the water before gracefully diving back in, aaahhhh, the stories we have missed in 2020. However, with the Belizean quarantine, sports fishing was prohibited, so our flats and fish have also been getting an extended rest. Who knows what this November/December and the spring of 2021 will bring with rested fish.

None of us expected the closure to be as long as it has been, but in the meantime, Marguerite has had time to try new recipes with the cooks – something for you to look forward to when you make your trip. We have factored in the pandemic and implemented new ways to keep everyone as safe as possible during your BRL visit. We have also taken into account the unsure nature of travel in these times and so have more COVID-19 Flexible Reservation Policies:

COVID-19 Deposit Policy
     To confirm your reservation a deposit of 30% is required at the time of booking with full payment to be received within 30 days prior to arrival.

COVID-19 Cancellation Policy
     If at any point up to the day of arrival, you need to cancel your trip due to COVID19 related circumstances, personal or in Belize, you will receive a full credit to be used towards any future visit.
Anything non-Covid-19, regular cancellation policy applies.

We recognize and appreciate your trust in us, and we endeavor – now more than ever – to provide you with peace of mind when you choose Belize River Lodge for your stay in Belize.

          Below are links to the requirements and changes that you need to know before visiting Belize.

Government of Belize Requirements to visit Belize

Belize River Lodge’s COVID-19 SAFETY PROGRAM

Frequently asked questions with travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Belize’s Tourism Safety Corridor Process Flow Guidelines