Julia, the Tarpon
December 4, 2013
The Bonefish Shuffle and a Challenge
December 31, 2013

Recipe: Chocolate Pie

Recipe: Chocolate Pie

Pie Crust
1 cup sifted flour
1/3 cup shortening
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp sugar
Cut shortening, flour, salt & sugar with fork, until well mixed and small balls start to form.  Add 3 tablespoons water.  Roll out and put in pie shell.   Note:  Do not knead dough.  Bake pie shell until golden brown.

Chocolate Pie Filling
1    cup sugar
1/3    cup cocoa
1/3    cup flour
1    pinch salt
2    egg (separated)
3    cups milk
½    stick butter
½    teaspoon vanilla
½    cup sugar

Mix dry ingredients in ¼ cup milk (make a paste); Add egg yolks and whip together.  Add balance of milk.  Place on low heat and stir until mixture begins to boil.  Add butter.  Cool and pour into baked pie crust.  Beat egg whites and add ½ cup sugar and vanilla.  Place this mixture on top of pie and put in oven until mixture is golden brown.

Beat 3 egg whites, when fluffy add ½ cup sugar and 1 cap full vanilla.
