10 Raul’s Remarks – Big Tarpon, Permit & much more!

2010 BRL’s Past and Present
July 30, 2010
10-8 Tarpon, Bones and more!
August 24, 2010

10 Raul’s Remarks – Big Tarpon, Permit & much more!

10 Raul’s Remarks – Big Tarpon, Permit & much more!

by Raul Navarrette

Amazingly another great fishing season has gone by leaving many of our anglers with the most wonderful memories and for others with memories of a life time. Here at BRL we work very hard to keep our promise in making a “Fisherman’s Dream Come True”.

This year at BRL the Silver Kings made us proud for we released over 20 of them that were on the 100+ range and also hooked and jumped countless numbers of them. These giants were also responsible for more broken rods this year than any other year. The numbers of tarpon that showed up on the flats this season also contributed to one of the greatest experiments undergoing at this time with the BTT (Bonefish Tarpon Trust). Here on the flats fished by BRL we tagged and released 3 large tarpon that will soon let us know a lot more of what goes on with the mysterious Silver King.

The Permit fishing this year was also pretty exceptional for we released at least 20 Permit. Many anglers came back telling about how amazed they were with the number of shots they had. Others about how unbelievable it felt to throw a fly into a school of 50 or more fish. There were a couple anglers that could not believe that it was actually possible to catch one of these creatures but were proven wrong by the guides at BRL.

The Snook fishing and the Bonefishing also added a great deal of excitement to most anglers, who after releasing a Tarpon and a Permit would definitely try to go and catch any of the two, to make a Grand Slam. Here at BRL, we are very well known for the species and variety of fish that Grand Slams and Super Grand Slams are caught very easily. It can be so easily accomplished that we accounted for at least 15 Grand Slams this season.

This just says and proves that the fishing at Belize River Lodge never slows down but, instead it keeps getting better and better.  We can certainly look back at 2010 spring fishing season and confidently say that we made a lot of dreams come true.

The fall is getting near and for some anglers is the only time of the year that they can get away from their busy schedule to have a little fun. During this time of the year we don’t not have the numbers of large tarpon roaming the flats for the migration has already tapered off. Instead we have some resident large tarpon that are found in the mangrove channels and the Belize River. The small to medium tarpon which range from about 15 to 40 lbs on the other hand are found in good numbers in all the rivers and even out on the mangrove cayes.

The bonefish are still in good numbers and we start seeing a few more snook. The snook are flushed out of the rivers and creeks onto the flats after the flood waters start clearing up. The permits are also not seen in great numbers but there is still a few around for an angler to complete his or her grand slam.  In a whole the fall fishing is also a great time for some excellent fishing.

As soon as the new season cranks up in 2011, we can once again start all over with our seasonal routines which seem to almost always follow the same fish patterns.  Here at Belize River Lodge we are always looking forward to the start of the new fishing season and the fishing guides are always ready and more than happy to start chasing those Grand Slams. The idea of knowing that the tarpon, permit, snook and bonefish are all awaiting us, just makes that adrenaline rush even greater!